October 28, 2003

Ego + McGinness + live site

EGO is Ryan McGinness' design firm, and they've recently either launched their site, or recently made the bulk of it accessible to my popup blocking browser.

Not quite sure how many people are in the firm, but if its small then I'm not quire sure if they sleep at all...

Great Stuff. One pet peeve they are guilty of though, using an impersonal email as contact info on the site. Personally I believe that all companies should have a human face. And part of that requires listing a human name and a named email as contact info. Seeing things like "info@blahblah.com" "contact@egosum.com" just leaves me cold. Tells us your name, really. Or just make one up. But make an effort to appear human, ok?

Posted by Abe at October 28, 2003 01:01 PM


I've heard it said that info@ creates a perception of size. The impersonal nature of info may encourage preemptive communication. You feel like you could contact a receptionist *or* the top dude with it.

I'd actually like to have an info@benweeks.ca but right now, for better or worse it's ben.

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