May 06, 2003

Why the WMD Matter

So they still haven't found those weapons of mass destruction. Who cares? Honestly I was as ready to forget about it as rest of America is, until this post showed me the spin.

We don't know if Iraq ever had the WMD, but that's not that relevant as we know that Bush and friends stated very clearly that Iraq had them. And if Bush says it, it must be right, yes? Now if we can't find them, and they exist, that means they went someplace. And that someplace could very well be in the hands of a terrorist.

Now if the goal of the war was to get the WMD out of bad hands, then that means we lost (nevermind that they never existed). Bush's war increased the danger of terrorism to the US. Bush's war put us American citizens in greater danger.

Now I'm no spin master, but if the Dems could spin it like that... Of course they seem to have forgotten the art of spin as of late. Not to mention the off chance the WMD are already in Rove's office being prepped for the right PR oppurtunity...

Posted by Abe at May 6, 2003 09:54 PM


Now if we can't find them, and they exist, that means they went someplace. And that someplace could very well be in the hands of a terrorist.

It's even worse than that, William. The materials I talk about in my post weren't WMDs -- they were highly dangerous, but non-weaponized, nuclear materials -- waste products, mostly. The Iraqis declared them, the UN inspectors knew where they were, and so did our own military.

These were knownnuclear sites that should have been top priority targets for securing as soon as the invasion began -- by special forces, paratroopers, SOMEBODY.

So Bush may still be liar, Iraq may not have had WMDs, and terrorists may STILL have gotten their hands on some extremely dangerous weaponizable materials.

How's that for a trifecta?

Soon, lying, like gambling, will be reclassified by Republicans as not truly a vice.

Calling attention to a lie however will certainly be a vice...

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