April 15, 2003

Is There A History to The Evil in the Washington?

How neoconservatives conquered Washington -- and launched a war raises far more questions then it answers. I've heard many times that the neocons where originally Trotskyists, but never have seen the story laid out. If its even true, that is. And if its true it should be documented someplace. Anyone have any pointers?

Posted by Abe at April 15, 2003 12:35 AM


Norman Podhoretz talks about it in his joke of an autobio: "Making It"

I think Irving Kristol (Bill's Dad) has an autobio, too.

Ditto, from an opposing point of view, Irving Howe.

The nexus for all these jokers was the old Partisan Review -- the Jewish New Yorker of the Dirty Thirties. Most of them also went to City College -- back when City College was the Jewish Harvard.

The progression -- from orthodox Communism to Trotkyism to Social Democracy to liberalism to neoliberalism to Zionism to neoconservatism to outright fascism -- is an interesting one, and goes to show that some people just think too damn much.

To paraphrase Shakespeare -- First thing let's do is kill all the intellectuals.

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