Wired 14.01: How Click Fraud Could Swallow the Internet
"BlackHats? The search engines are the original Black Hats!"
brett tabke got a blog in a robots.txt page and its damn good too.
Planarity.net a game for data visualization nerds
Alex Wright : Probability, Superstition and Ideology on Chris Anderson, Nicholas Carr and the faith in technology.
96-DINGPOLITIK Bruno Latour on politics and things, good stuff.
Peer-to-Peer and the Promise of Internet Equality Phil Agre on Veblen and more as ways to look at P2P, not clear if he's actually read Veblen though...
Studies and Observations | Adam Greenfield: Current thinking Adam's soft launching his new site/practice.
Shaviro short and sweet on Archaeologies of the Future
John Battelle's Searchblog: Alexa (Make that Amazon) Looks to Change the Game (I agree with John, this could be really important)
Design Observer: writings about design & culture: Dmitri Siegel: Bartelby™
Doors of Perception weblog: Creativity in business, most important bit in this something that should be self evident, that the whole send the production offshore and leave the creativity and design in the first world model is a load of crap. To assume that manufacturing centered economies won't develop strong creative industries is absurd, why on earth shouldn't they?
G A P M I N D E R, has some really interesting animated graphics on world poverty over the past few decades.
Google: Ten Golden Rules (of their hiring practices)
Design of Online Communities course at Georgia Tech
Joi Ito's Web: The "parked domain monetization" business
John Battelle's Searchblog: Thinking About Google and The Turning Point