Stanford Institute of Design | | multidisciplinary design innovation center
The Attention Economy: The Natural Economy of the Net (think I've posted it before, but its well worth revisiting).
ARS Electronica PRIX 2005 awards - kinda boring this year...
Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology — A Group Blog
Danielle Aubert, excel spreadsheet drawings and more
Shirky: Ontology is Overrated -- Categories, Links, and Tags, my personal take is that "tagging" is way to young to judge, making this piece a bit of a premature speculation. What happens when spam and capital start taking on tags? Once that's done, maybe then we can evaluate..
Class in America: Shadowy Lines That Still Divide - New York Times
Dow Rejects Bhopal Solution; Yes Men Hoax Bankers
Design Observer: writings about design & culture: Material Issue
A Backyard Fountain Like None Before:
water cannot be "scaled" - that is, its performance in real life cannot be extrapolated from a small-scale model. "It has to be done full size,"
"Whiskey is for drinking. Water is for fighting over."
Design Observer: writings about design & culture: On (Design) Bullshit
ArtForum: If it's Tuesday - interview with curator Hans-Ulrich Obrist - Interview
biothing::alisa andrasek:::architecture::design::computation