June 10, 2004
Green Mountains
click to see the full image
Posted by William Blaze at June 10, 2004 10:37 PM | TrackBackComments
Love the moire! But I think the cropped version is more of a success. It's hints of the surroundings make it seem to be larger, more of a Hudson-River-School thing.
Okay, a HRS-thing that's rather flat, as far as landscapes go. And pixellated.
Anyway, the moire-ing in the water & clouds is great! Even if those are the sections I don't need... hrm...
Posted by: the Other michael on June 11, 2004 12:15 PMyeah the HRS reference is deliberate, albeit a HRS or the camera phone variety...
Posted by: Abe on June 11, 2004 01:28 PMwhat do you use to manipulate all of these?
Posted by: the Other michael on June 14, 2004 01:10 PMgif exports, lots of color adjusting and a decent amount of layering, that's pretty much it.
Posted by: Abe on June 14, 2004 03:19 PMPost a comment