April 05, 2004
Oh My My My
Any time I read about politics nowadays I feel like I need an immediate deep cleansing. And as the presidential election progresses its going to get worse.
Thankfully though, we have music. And Ghostface featuring Raekwon, Slick Rick and the RZA in "The Sun" is essential nowadays. Apparently it was cut off "Bulletproof Wallets" cause they couldn't clear the sample. Freaking politics again. If that makes you mad go read Larry Lessig's new book, for free even. Then go download as much Ghostface detritus as you can find, to hold you over till April 20th when Pretty Toney drops.
Incidentally if Tupac is ever coming back to life it'll be on the 20th as well.
Meanwhile TV on the Radio just sounds better and better with each listen. Like it comes from place where beautiful guitar noise can save the world, and then it does. Go Kyp.
And then is a strangely similar, fuzzy woozy place, are the Freestyle Kingz of Houston Texas. Now the slowed down "screwed and chopped" beats of Houston are largely a gimmick, although results can occasionally be magical. What isn't a gimmick are the fuzzed out flows developed by the MCs. Flow is a pretty amorphous impossible to define term akin to "swing" or "funk" and really I have no clue what's going on with these freestyles. On one hand they sound like they are about to blur away into a buzzing dream state, but at the same time the bounce and ricochet angular to the beat. Simultaneously sharply on point and blurred beyond resolution...
Posted by William Blaze at April 5, 2004 12:36 PM | TrackBack