February 26, 2004

Yahoo Juice

Yow, as of late I've been getting tons of traffic searching for the Grey Album. Google had me #5 for the term for a while. But those days are over and Google returns plenty of more relevant (ie they host the album) results before this site appears. Yahoo on the other hand, which until a few days ago used Google for searches, but now is using their own search engine, suddenly has me as the 4th result. I'm setting traffic records big time, and really I don't much enjoy it. I want people to come here cause they like to read my writing and see my pictures, yah hear?

So Mr Yahoo, I know your service is all fresh and new and not yet toilet trained, but could you freshen your results a bit? By all means send people to me, but can you make it relevant please?

all my love,

Posted by William Blaze at February 26, 2004 12:00 AM | TrackBack

If they could make it relevant, they'd be Google.

Posted by: Matt Davis on February 26, 2004 06:59 AM

and there's no particular reason they can't be google is there?

Posted by: Abe on February 26, 2004 03:38 PM

also worth noting, that even when Yahoo used Google to power their search results, they always parsed the results differently, reflecting a different set of priorities. Saw a good article on it once, can't remember where.

Posted by: Abe on February 26, 2004 04:02 PM

The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want.

Posted by: mortgage calculator on February 1, 2005 11:53 PM

The purpose of life is to fight maturity.

Posted by: financial advice on February 3, 2005 03:14 PM

The purpose of life is to fight maturity.

Posted by: hotels on February 3, 2005 07:20 PM
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blaze fist