February 16, 2004
Parkour, the Art of the Traceur
source image sampled from kiell.com
One part flaneur, one part breakdancer, skateboarding without the board, kung fu with the city as sparring partner. Parkour is the art of the traceur and it looks and sounds quite beautiful. As an art it was born in France and exists mainly in Europe. But as a practice it must be close to universal, and one wonders how its never been an art before.
While the artistic codes and language of parkour are new, the act is as old as childhood. Leapfrogging over parking meters, hopping fences, running up the walls. The physical appreciation of the urban environment is essential to growing up inside a city. And its almost a shame that we need to invent and art in order to allow adults to share the appreciation.
There have been countless times walking down the street where I've been ready to start jumping on ledges and leaping over the hydrants. Sometimes I do, but at other times the oppression of culture overrides. Its not exactly a seemly thing to do is it? God forbid adults actually have fun in the streets... The traceurs appear to sometimes come in conflict with the law, much like their predecessors in urban reterritorialization, skateboaders and graffiti writers. But while the authorities might not realize it, these are the set of people that the future immune system for the urban infrastructure will evolve.
update: Matt Jones had a good le parkour piece a while back. As did Space and Culture, which address the issue of sound.
Posted by William Blaze at February 16, 2004 08:47 PM | TrackBackOh dude, I do this all the time - fortunately, I guess, I have a faulty superego, or a relatively high maturity threshold, or something. What stops me from busting loose on the city more often isn't self-censorship, it's the wish to avoid embarrassing any friends that might happen to be with me, and still more the active (and occasionally physically-expressed) disapproval of passers-by.
One time I was swinging from the overhead bars on the Seoul subway and this guy took it upon himself to remonstrate with me, all redfaced & with veins pulsing at his temples like the jackhammers of the gods. I thought he was going to deck me.
Another time, in Paris, years and years ago, me and my friend Jamie and some friends were on one of the islets that support the stanchions of one of the Seine bridges, around 2AM, just clambering all over everything and generally using the city the way we wanted to, when some warped little mofo emerged from an invisible guard shack and started shrieking at us, all the while brandishing a chromed revolver. We, uh, departed.
Some people don't like it when other people act out, is my conclusion. Or: those whose dreams have crashed and burned generally discourage the dreams of others.
Posted by: AG on February 17, 2004 11:28 AMI don't know how long this stunting has been referred to as "Parkour," but, when I was studying in France in 1999 I remember a Jackass-esque news program on a stunning number of deaths that had occured amongst late teen kids apparently goofing off on the crenellated exterior surfaces of concrete apartment complexes. They simply referred to the kids as "les cascadeurs"--stuntmen.
Posted by: JK on February 17, 2004 11:31 AM"often isn't self-censorship, it's the wish to avoid embarrassing any friends that might happen to be with me, and still more the active (and occasionally physically-expressed) disapproval of passers-by"
isn't that self-censorship? The potential action, halted. Cut short by the spectre of cultural disapproval.
JK - somewhere on those sites there is a claim that no one has died practicing parkour because those who practice it as an art have a deep respect for the risks. Perhaps its an intentional maneuver to distance their art from that of the cascadeurs?
Posted by: Abe on February 17, 2004 11:51 AMAbe--Oh, I have no doubt that Parkour practicioners are thoughtful, careful athletes who haven't suffered any mortal injuries. That sounds like a very fair assertion.
Conversely, one must consider that an activity is defined from the exterior as well, so that, much like the ability of anyone with a few bucks to buy, and die using, a skateboard (or even an illegal prescription drug), those aanyones also get to call themselves skaters (or junkies). It's the terrible truth of similarity, I suppose.
Hell, Parkour still looks pretty cool.
I also remember seeing a show on MTV when I was in high school (mid- to late '90s) seeing one of those scandal programs about kids being suspended for the subversive lunchtime sport of "freestyle walking," which sounds like a dilute ground-level Parkour. I have to admit, these sports' names are my favorite details.
Posted by: WAGAZAKI on February 18, 2004 04:41 PMdamn, my bad, one of the original links was supposed to be to the urbanfreeflow.com front page, but I duped another link instead, gotta fix. That is indeed the site.
Posted by: Abe on February 18, 2004 05:11 PMThere was a decent Channel 4 documentary on free runners last year - Jump London - which saw French parkeuristes leaping all over London landmarks (The Globe theatre, the Albert Hall). Beautiful stuff, and with a theoretical underpinning that struck me as particularly French.
Posted by: Jack on February 19, 2004 08:22 AMI posted on parkour and kiell's photos on the Space and Culture blog some time back ...
Although it shares much in common with skateboarding in terms of performing the city, it lacks one fundamental critique of public space: it makes no noise :)
Posted by: Anne on February 19, 2004 06:01 PMshhhhhh Anne, listen tight... Here the pants rustle, the scuff of a Merrill on the concrete wall, the slap of hands onto the rail, the grunt of release at the end of a trick. The rollercoaster windup of the skate trucks is gone, as is the hard slap of deck to rail, but there is noise, its just silenter ;) A ballet not a polka. At least in my head...
Posted by: Abe on February 19, 2004 08:12 PMand yeah I really do need to read Space and Culture more regularly. I must say it somehow never quite feels inviting when I wander by, not really sure why.
Posted by: Abe on February 19, 2004 08:20 PMAnne, where is the piece in space and culture? I can't find it.
Posted by: Abe on February 19, 2004 08:24 PMAbe - I'm sorry to hear you don't find Space and Culture inviting.
But here's the link:
PLSJ follow-up here:
Anne, it was probably unfair of me to call it uninviting, there are actually quite a few other new weblogs that I get the same feeling from. It may well just be that I've hit a personal information threshold and am not putting in the effort on my end to get comfortable with the new flows. Definitely not investing the time to take as much out of Space and Culture as I could...
Posted by: Abe on February 20, 2004 02:30 PMI'm still in the learning stages.
Yesterday I managed to change into my blue, red and yellow spandex outfit inside a telephone booth.
Today, I'm trying to figure out how to change back into mufti while sharing a very small jail cell with a very large fellow who keeps asking me if I find him attractive!
Posted by: toejam on February 28, 2004 05:20 AMI am american and haven't had access to the coverage on freerunning, i saw a piece on the french Yamakasi Group and was hooked, and the combination of running, martial arts and being an amature stuntman. prior posts state injuries and fatalities reported shine a poor light on the sport. but with anything there are risks. for kids who can't afford skateboards, or martial arts classes. this grown up version of "can't touch th floor" is a great way to stay active and have fun.
Posted by: Baboon on March 23, 2004 02:30 PMabe
i have a personal Q regarding footware
whether these guys (pictured above or any other
f-runner) have used anle supportive sneakers like basketball shoes,
what they thought fo them and why they dont appear to wear them?
I'm an active 'traceur' (term used for particpants of the discipline) and can speak up about the trainer issue.
We find that the best type of shoes are regular running ones. The key points to look out for are - lightness, durability, good grip, shock absorbency and most importantly - comfort. I've yet to see anyone use basketball type shoes.
The Urban Freeflow site is one that I run with my fellow 'UF KR3W' members and can be found at urbanfreeflow.com
Any questions you may have can be answered there in full, as we have a highly active global parkour network set up through our message boards. :)
The pic at the top of this page is of 'Blue Devil' who is a member of our KR3W. The move he's performing is called a 360 wall hop. The pic doesn't do it justice as it needs to be seen at full speed with the full range of movement.
For those reading too deeply into what we are doing, save it. We aren't trying to reclaim the streets or put other extreme sports (like skating) down. We are simply expressing a diferent way of moving while using our urban surroundings to do so. There is no hidden message. Just a great way to improve the way you move. There's also a philosophy attached to the discipline if you choose to take that path, but most people are wrapped up in the most important bit - Having maximum fun.
Posted by: ez on May 22, 2004 03:08 PMEZ.... Your days are numbered
Posted by: La revolution on June 11, 2004 03:06 PMEz's days are no more numbered than any of ours.
Le parkour is about freedom, creativity and fluidity. I consider myself to be approaching an advanced beginner stage, and the UF kr3w to be advanced intermediate. If you want to see advanced traceurs then parkour.com(Seb Foucan) or le-parkour.com(David Belle) are the best the world has to offer. Two traceurs at the very top of their game and the peak of physical humanity.
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