February 04, 2004
John Kerry Doonesbury Strips from 1971
[via Doonesbury.com]
Posted by William Blaze at February 4, 2004 10:28 AM | TrackBackSo much for not spreading negative stuff about the Democratic candidates, eh? ;)
Posted by: klintron on February 4, 2004 11:53 PMhonestly I'm not sure how negative these really are. I'm guessing they do more good then bad for Kerry in truth. He doesn't come of great in them no doubt, but they get across one of his strong points that he doesn't emphasize, his Vietnam era activism.
Either way I'm just posting these without comment, facts not opinion on the front page, those are historic documents.
In any case I'm pretty certain I broke that no negative promise already, in nuance, if not in boldface.
Still planning on voting for whoever the dems toss up. Expect them to win too.
Posted by: Abe on February 5, 2004 04:03 AMJust clownin'. These strips sort of make me like him more, even though they tease him.
Posted by: klintron on February 5, 2004 07:05 PMA quote by John Kerry..."I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force – if necessary – to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."
Senator John F. Kerry (D-MA), October 9, 2002
Another quote by John Kerry..."Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime. He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation. And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction. So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real."
Senator John F. Kerry (D-MA), January 23, 2003
Posted by: Ruth on February 17, 2004 10:06 AMQuote from General Giap (NV top General during the war) from his book "How We Won the War", published in 1985. "We came close to surrendering several times, but groups in the US like (John Kerry's) Veterans Against the War gave us hope."
I'm sure we'll see that on the NY Times editorial page any day.
Posted by: Tom Wells on March 1, 2004 04:49 PMQuote from General Giap (NV top General during the war) from his book "How We Won the War", published in 1985. "We came close to surrendering several times, but groups in the US like (John Kerry's) Veterans Against the War gave us hope."
I'm sure we'll see that on the NY Times editorial page any day.
Posted by: Tom Wells on March 1, 2004 04:49 PMQuote from General Giap (NV top General during the war) from his book "How We Won the War", published in 1985. "We came close to surrendering several times, but groups in the US like (John Kerry's) Veterans Against the War gave us hope."
I'm sure we'll see that on the NY Times editorial page any day.
Posted by: Tom Wells on March 1, 2004 04:50 PMQuote from General Giap (NV top General during the war) from his book "How We Won the War", published in 1985. "We came close to surrendering several times, but groups in the US like (John Kerry's) Veterans Against the War gave us hope."
I'm sure we'll see that on the NY Times editorial page any day.
Posted by: Tom Wells on March 1, 2004 04:51 PMNice try, but you're historically inaccurate. Kerry came to VVAW leadership four years after it's inception. It was never 'his' organization, although he became their spokesman and president in 1971. See: http://www.richmond.edu/~ebolt/history398/VVAW_WinterSoldier.html
As for the Doonesbury strip; most people in modern times who run for president, by virtue of what it takes to attain it, have character issues that make them personally unattractive. We just have to swallow past that and decide who would most closely 'govern' in our best interests. Kerry's record gives pause for concern, but pales in comparison to Bush's.
Posted by: David G on March 3, 2004 08:34 AMI just want to make a point here. You said that it was never "His" organization. So becoming the president and spokesman of an organization does not make it "yours." I guess that Eisner is not "really" in charge of Disney. you might be able to "swallow" Kerry's personality flaws. But, I cannot. They go way too deep on too many issues. He will be exposed for the fraud that he is. By the way I am not a republican. the Democrats have not put forth any candidate that really had a chance in this primary. the CLintons are still running our party and they do not want to see a democrat win in 04. We had better wake up and take control of our party back.
Posted by: mack on March 3, 2004 09:42 AMI have Giap's book, How I Won the War, in front of me, and cannot find this quotation. It was not published in 1985. Can someone give an accurate source for this quote? This book does not mention Vietnam Veterans Against the War at all (much less the name of John Kerry). The primary allusion to U.S. anti-war factions is in an introduction written in 1975 by a news director of a Boston radio station. In this book, Giap deals with the Spring 1975 campaign that finished the war.
Without firm evidence otherwise, I'll have to believe that some statement of Giap's from some other source has been embellished and passed around as fact by those who do not care about reliability, and adding even more accretions as it rolls along.
Posted by: Ted Jones on March 5, 2004 09:52 AMThe source for the Giap quote comes from that wonderful "Historian of the Vietnam War" and Fox Commentator Oliver North. He apparently made the statement on Sean Hannity's program.
So it is interesting that you haven't found the quote...maybe something that should be sent over to snopes.com as this is making the rounds of the conservative media AND is being used in chatrooms by the Neo-Cons.
Another one is that Kim Il-Dung has come out in support of Kerry. Also absurd as the guy NEVER makes any public statements of any kind!
Posted by: cinnamonape on March 23, 2004 12:46 AMJohn Kerry is the worst possible thing that could ever happen to America, when i lay my head down at night, I pray to god that he will never lead me.
Posted by: Chris Renner on April 8, 2004 10:45 AMHow can ou question Kerry character compared to Bush's? At the time Kerry was trying to get the US out of a wasteful war of attrition (which we LOST in the end), Bush was driving drunk and snorting coke.
PROVE that it isn't true. You can't. 'Cause it is.
Sure, Kerry's a politician. Sure, his opinions and positions have changed with the times, and with new evidence. I'd rather have that sort of logical thinking that someone like Bush who - even after his smaltzy reason of "Saddam has weapons" was misproven continues to insist that invading was the right thing to do.
If Bush was a man, he'd admit that he made a mistake in his judgement. But as you can see from his recent "press conference", he's just as slick as Slick Willy ever was...
Posted by: fenderstrum on April 28, 2004 09:47 PMHow can ou question Kerry character compared to Bush's? At the time Kerry was trying to get the US out of a wasteful war of attrition (which we LOST in the end), Bush was driving drunk and snorting coke.
PROVE that it isn't true. You can't. 'Cause it is.
Sure, Kerry's a politician. Sure, his opinions and positions have changed with the times, and with new evidence. I'd rather have that sort of logical thinking that someone like Bush who - even after his smaltzy reason of "Saddam has weapons" was misproven continues to insist that invading was the right thing to do.
If Bush was a man, he'd admit that he made a mistake in his judgement. But as you can see from his recent "press conference", he's just as slick as Slick Willy ever was...
Posted by: fenderstrum on April 28, 2004 09:48 PMyou liberal fools are blinded by your arrogance
Posted by: dem1 on April 29, 2004 03:41 PMRuth, you said...
"A quote by John Kerry..."I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force – if necessary – to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."
Senator John F. Kerry (D-MA), October 9, 2002
Another quote by John Kerry..."Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime. He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation. And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction. So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real."
Senator John F. Kerry (D-MA), January 23, 2003"
You do know that before the war began, Kerry said there were no WMD's and that this war was pointless and for naught.
Good job though, love the misplaces enthusiasm
Posted by: Kerry=moron on May 2, 2004 06:05 PMfenderstrum, you said
"How can ou question Kerry character compared to Bush's? At the time Kerry was trying to get the US out of a wasteful war of attrition (which we LOST in the end), Bush was driving drunk and snorting coke.
PROVE that it isn't true. You can't. 'Cause it is.
Sure, Kerry's a politician. Sure, his opinions and positions have changed with the times, and with new evidence. I'd rather have that sort of logical thinking that someone like Bush who - even after his smaltzy reason of "Saddam has weapons" was misproven continues to insist that invading was the right thing to do.
If Bush was a man, he'd admit that he made a mistake in his judgement. But as you can see from his recent "press conference", he's just as slick as Slick Willy ever was..."
Okay, you prove to me that it did happen. I want a link.
You do realize that WMD's HAVE been found but the liberal media refuses to publish it becuase of the position they've had on the entire war, right?
Oh, and Kerry with Logical thinking? lmfao, thats a good one right there. Its so hard to restrain myself, and obviously, your stupidity - cause its got a leak.
Lets see.. he voted FOR the Patriot Act and is now going Against it.
He has no logical thinking. If he had logical thinking he would have thrown HIS medals over for the protest, not someone elses. Instead his are enshrined in his office.
If he had logical thinking, would he change his stance on every topic that he's come across? For God sakes, the man was asked about what was wrong with his throwing medals over the white house fence on a late night tv show, and he responded with something like, now you know whats wrong,... this grey hair of mine.
He called himself a war hero, but called his buddies as war criminals.
Just to name a few.
Please, if Kerry had a mind he'd answer the questions straight on and NOT change his stance whenever the public wanted to hear it. At least Bush keeps on track and doesn't change his mind over everything.
and like Dem1 said, "you liberal fools are blinded by your arrogance" - amen to that one.
Posted by: Kerry=moron on May 2, 2004 06:16 PM"Another quote by John Kerry..."Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime. He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation. And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction. So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real."
Senator John F. Kerry (D-MA), January 23, 2003"
You do know that before the war began, Kerry said there were no WMD's and that this war was pointless and for naught."
Golly...John Kerry made statements on both sides of an issue? I can't imagine that.
The man does love to cover all his bases, doesn't he.
Posted by: M. Bitsko on May 17, 2004 04:48 PM"You do know that before the war began, Kerry said there were no WMD's and that this war was pointless and for naught."
well considering we've got nothing to go on but your word i don't think you've proved anything. what is clear is your ability to trot out the republican's flip flop talking point. show us a quote where kerry said that.
Posted by: andrew on May 22, 2004 04:09 PMi like them! and i like j.,kerry more than before.
Posted by: natalie on May 25, 2004 05:44 PMWell, before I was going to vote for Skull and Bones, but now that I've seen these I've changed my mind and decided I'm going to vote Skull and Bones instead. What a wonderful choice we have this coming fall election.
Of course I'm kidding, I'm not really going to vote for anyone, how can I if they are planning on cancelling the election?
Posted by: Sir Mildred Pierce on May 27, 2004 02:40 PMO Ye Deluded Of The Left,
Of course We-Of-The -Right will use this as ammo to attack our foe. And of course with it we shall hit our target. And of course our target shall fall, despite the best efforts of the media. And of course we will win. Yet again. Like we always do.
We win. You lose. That's the way it is. I don't see the problem.
Posted by: hugh macleod on June 16, 2004 06:55 PMWanna see flip-flop???????????????
Posted by: eponymous on July 29, 2004 01:22 AMIf only the Lefties knew the "real" JFK, oh sorry, that's an oxymoron. He bitched at the City of Boston because there was a fire hydrant in front of his posh digs and they moved it, before he married his money he was kiting apartments because he was a whisper from being homeless, his cookie business failed in Fanieul Hall Marketplace, he is accurately depicted as a gigilo for marrying $300M and then $500M babes, he rides around on an $8,000 bicycle, has five (or is it six?) multi-million dollar homes but he is a friend of the working man...unless it is that son-of-a-bitch secret service agent who made him fall down while he was snowboarding. Last year he gave money to charity for PR purposes, if you can extract the information from previous tax records I believe you'll find he gave virtually nothing to charity...oh but that is because (as a good closet socialist) he believes that redistibuting other people's wealth is the solution to all social ills. By the way if JFK wins and you live in any of the blue zones, I'd move out to the countryside...we're likely to be struck again while John-boy is seeking indictments against those illegal activities the terrorists participate in. Remember his Democrat predecessor didn't take Osama into custody because he didn't think he could be successfully tried.....that's a failure of intelligence and I believe our pal John was on the Senate Intelligence Oversight Committee at the time...he'll be better now though 'cause he served 4 months in Vietnam.
Remember, according to Nilson "a point in every direction is the same as no point at all."
Posted by: LamaDave on August 3, 2004 02:14 PMSome inconvenient (and pesky)facts for the left:
An excellent summary of why John F'n Kerry should scare the hell out of you. Watch this, and ask yourself: Do I want this man in charge of our military, during a war?
Posted by: Flipper on August 6, 2004 11:08 AMAs a Vietnam Veteran, I'm voting for Kerry. When it comes down to character, I'll take the one who put himself in harms way rather than the town drunk who did everything to avoid combat. Hell, Bush won't even field a question by Hellen Thomas.
Bush is a coward. The war is lost. Time to turn the mess over to someone else.
Posted by: David on September 15, 2004 01:29 PMThe town drunk who avoided combat? Leave Clinton out of this.
It occurs to me that it's been about 2 months since Kerry has fielded a question from ANYONE.
Do tell...how is Kerry going to be a more effective Commander-In-Chief? Bottom line: You cant, and Kerry can't hold a candle. An ultra liberal war protestor who doesn't have the support of the troops he served with is running for commander-in-chief during a pivotal era in our nations history (military and otherwise). Hysterical! This election won't be close.
Posted by: Pu-leeeze on September 22, 2004 05:24 PM*"How can ou question Kerry character compared to Bush's? At the time Kerry was trying to get the US out of a wasteful war of attrition (which we LOST in the end), Bush was driving drunk and snorting coke.
PROVE that it isn't true. You can't. 'Cause it is."*
A negative is not only unprovable, it is not required to be proven. An ASSERTIVE statement must be proven. I can say that John Kerry had sex with a goat...prove me wrong....You can't. That is why you must PROVE your assertion, and other than rumors and innuendo, you can't. BTW....the statement about Kerry and the goat.... It would show more taste than what he is currently sleeping with.
Posted by: OpusDaPenguin on October 25, 2004 04:59 PMHello folks nice blog youre running
Posted by: lolita on January 19, 2005 08:30 PMWhy do right-wingers hate America?
Right-wingnuts like to follow the leader, they like to follow orders, they like to do as they're told.
It's true. Look at history.
Mindless twits, the lot of 'em.
The lapdogs here regurgitating lies about Kerry, which they've been brainwashed to believe by their guru-fatboys Limberger and the traitorous Rove. Disgusting.
Keep following your chicken-hawk leader, boys and skanks, all the way to Bagdad.