December 11, 2003


unelectable, miserable failure, and for good measure retarded.

In case you are wondering what is going on here this is a small bit of electronic tactical maneuvering, also known as google bombing. Not going to change to the world, but at least its nice to see what happens when you type "miserable failure" into google.

Posted by William Blaze at December 11, 2003 05:39 PM | TrackBack

i think the retarded effort needs a second word to have a chance to climb on ebay results. retarded elephant probably would have more of a chance.

Posted by: retarded on December 12, 2003 01:18 PM

good point, I just like the ring to "republican equals retard" though. I picture kids chanting it in the school yard...

Posted by: Abe on December 12, 2003 03:10 PM
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blaze fist