December 04, 2003


Not 100% sure what dodgeball is about, but it seems to be a way to broadcast and recieve the location of friends via mobile phone. Could be interesting, could fall on its face...

Unlike say Friendster, I think granularity is really key here. Looks like you can have multiple "circles" of friends. But are you really going to make the effort to broadcast your location to them? Taking the wait and see on this one, something like this is going to blow up, but its going to need a touch of magic to be that one.

[via Many-to-Many: Dodgeball Circles: Social software through the phone]

Posted by William Blaze at December 4, 2003 06:39 PM | TrackBack

The purpose of life is to fight maturity.

Posted by: breast enlargement on February 12, 2005 12:49 AM
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