December 02, 2003
Psychogeography is building PML a psychogeographical markup language although I'm only slightly sure what that means.
Psychogeography is a concept that's been buzzing in the periphery of my information flows for a while now, but I've never quite explored it. But glowlab, -: nicolas nova and seem like the places to start.
Coincidentally I just got a copy of Joseph Turow's Breaking Up America: Advertisers and the New Media World in the mail today.
The very first quote leading off the first chapter:
"Advertisers will have their choice of horizontal demographic groups and vertical psychogeographic program types"
Which appeared in Advertising Age back in 1981. Wonder if this is the same psychogeography? More perhaps to come.
Posted by William Blaze at December 2, 2003 03:26 PM | TrackBackpsychogeography is a concept introduced by the situationist at the end of the 50s, to reclaim the city at a moment where european cities were heavily 'reconstructed' and were organically grown slums were turned into le corbusier-esque vertical concrete ghettos.
Posted by: laurent on December 2, 2003 11:53 PMno i think turow is talking about something very different and in a sense, completely against what the situationists meant by 'psychogeography'
turow is referring i think to a kind of demographic bandwith of locality-mindset the adverstiser can begin to imprint and bombard.
On the other hand, deriving(drifting), semi-aimlessly wandering the city using oblique stragegies as in psychogeography can be an anarchic weapon useful for protection against such inane corporate collonisations of the unconscious used by the sadvertisers.
Posted by: zooph on December 8, 2003 08:00 AM