November 18, 2003

Better Brands

From now on it looks like Abstract Dynamics will be known as: Diwrecktive

We'll of course have this fabulous tagline: "then three come at once"

Best of all we got all this rebranding work done for free. And What Brand Are You?

and on the other side of the joke, it appears some companies are actually using the fake names.

[via things magazine]

Posted by William Blaze at November 18, 2003 07:35 AM | TrackBack

I was going to paste in mine, but what came out when I pasted is much funnier -- how they coded for the results:

brand[61] = "integriti"
brand[62] = "intendo"
brand[63] = "intenta"
brand[64] = "introduco"
brand[65] = "invalesco"
brand[66] = "iuro"
brand[67] = "jubilo"
brand[68] = "justicia"
brand[69] = "laetor"
brand[70] = "largus"
brand[71] = "lascivio"
brand[72] = "lepor"
brand[73] = "libido"
brand[74] = "libero"
brand[75] = "libertas"
brand[76] = "licentia"
brand[77] = "luxus"
brand[78] = "M8"
brand[79] = "mediocris"
brand[80] = "millennium"
brand[81] = "minimus"
brand[82] = "multiplicatus"
brand[83] = "munero"
brand[84] = "munimentum"
brand[85] = "newsagentia"
brand[86] = "newsphoria"
brand[87] = "notitia"
brand[88] = "optilogo"
brand[89] = "ovisovis"
brand[90] = "P+US"
brand[91] = "passionce"
brand[92] = "penetro"
brand[93] = "penus"
brand[94] = "PioNear"
brand[95] = "phellatio"
brand[96] = "praeeo"
brand[97] = "praevaleo"
brand[98] = "pro-performa"
brand[99] = "proceede"
brand[100] = "professio"
brand[101] = "profitimo"
brand[102] = "profiterolo"
brand[103] = "progressia"
brand[104] = "pubesco"
brand[105] = "qualibit"
brand[106] = "qualitis"
brand[107] = "quodammodo"
brand[108] = "rapidene"
brand[109] = "rebellis"
brand[110] = "repedo"
brand[111] = "responsiva"
brand[112] = "ridiculus"
brand[113] = "retardo"
brand[114] = "ruina"
brand[115] = "semenitia"
brand[116] = "seposita"
brand[117] = "sollicito"
brand[118] = "sperma"
brand[119] = "stratedgy"
brand[120] = "subigo"
brand[121] = "substructio"
brand[122] = "sufficio"
brand[123] = "sunday"
brand[124] = "supplex"
brand[125] = "T.E.E.M"
brand[126] = "tantrum"
brand[127] = "tempero"
brand[128] = "tenax"
brand[129] = "there4"
brand[130] = "thinc"
brand[131] = "togethia"
brand[132] = "tripudio"
brand[133] = "tu2"
brand[134] = "ualeo"
brand[135] = "uncia"
brand[136] = "universus"
brand[137] = "utor"
brand[138] = "velitatio"
brand[139] = "vere"
brand[140] = "vigeo"
brand[141] = "visulade"
brand[142] = "vix"
brand[143] = "vulgo"
brand[144] = "vulva"
brand[145] = "werld"
brand[146] = "winwin"
brand[147] = "winnovate"
brand[148] = "Xpenditure"
brand[149] = "Yessential"
function rndnumber(){
var randscript = -1
while (randscript howMany || isNaN(randscript)){
randscript = parseInt(Math.random()*(howMany+1))
return randscript
quo = rndnumber()
quox = brand[quo]
// End -->laetor

Your brand will be unique because this denotes:

howMany || isNaN(randscript)){
randscript = parseInt(Math.random()*(howMany+1))
return randscript
quo = rndnumber()
quox = description[quo]
// End -->profits, profits, profits

Posted by: Kathryn Cramer on November 18, 2003 07:22 PM
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blaze fist