November 08, 2003
Get. That. Dirt. Off. Your. Sholder.
With a nod to S/FJ we present our almost completely metric review of the Black Album:
note we cheated by highlighting Dirt Off Your Shoulder, which is certainly leading in playback outside of iTunes. The objective list would be more like First Song, Dirt Off, 99, Lucifer, Threat, Moment of Clarity (underrated in the reviews I've seen). Also note how important sequencing is, I just haven't listened to any of the tracks that appear before Dirt enough.
Posted by William Blaze at November 8, 2003 06:26 PM | TrackBackI can't stop listening to "Lucifer", which is super super super tight.
Posted by: djspicerack on November 9, 2003 09:01 AMno doubt, its sick. been rocking "My Name Is Hov" more and more, "I check chedda like food inspectors" and "shoot at you actors like movie directors". The record is hot, bottom line. Its funny Jay isn't my favorite MC by far, but he's easily the most professional. Shits always tight, with sick new beats. In the end he impresses more then just about anyone else. Hardest working man in showbiz...
Posted by: Abe on November 9, 2003 03:14 PMJust want to listen to some good Jay-Z songs but this damn site is misleading because it is gay/retarded and so are the people running it. If you don't play the song I searched for I will kill you and your family as well!!!
Posted by: Adam Riddle on March 30, 2004 05:40 PM