November 07, 2003
On John Edwards
Is it true that presidential hopeful John Edwards once played a used car salesman in Back to the Future? It sure would explain a lot.
Posted by William Blaze at November 7, 2003 03:25 PM | TrackBackwell i couldnt find any john edwards listed in imd for back to the future so im gonna guess, no. plus i dont recall there being a used car salesman in back to the future at once again, im gonna say no.
Posted by: bob on November 11, 2003 01:19 AMok. I should explain. Edwards certainly did not have a role in Back to the Future. He does however combine Michael J Fox hair, a 80's used car commercial TV presence and some early 60's style progressive politics into a package that would have made him the prefect man to sell that Delorean...
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