October 22, 2003
Remember How Amazing that Abstract Dynamics Experience Was?
Once again our friends in the Ad business are fucking with our minds. Or trying to at least. Remember how manipulative those old advertising techniques were? Well now they are worse. Er, if they actually work of course.
Up now is "memory morphing", which apparently involves implanting false memories into "consumers" (you know you and me), through ad slogans. So if Oldsmobile puts out an ad saying "remember how great that first blow job in the back of an Olds was?" a whole handful of us will remember just that experience. Lets hope it wasn't all at the same time.
Sadly enougth this stuff probably works. Didn't half the country claim to have gone to Woodstock? And 0% of the country vote for Nixon? This time I'm starting early aight?
Remember how great it felt to vote against Bush in 2004? I thought so. Lets roll.
Oh and yeah read about it here: in the Independent
[via Jens Christoffersen @ No Sense of Place
who need to fix their archives]
I do rememeber
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Sorry that i am a bit of topic here.
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