August 27, 2003
Dark Bays (current location = San Francisco)
Flew into the SF Bay Area last night. Jet Blue was a smooth as always, arrived at the airport 30 minutes before departure. Headed straight to the auto check in kiosk and had the boarding pass within minutes. Got marked S (for extra security scrutiny) as usual. At least I got to cut the line for being late. Got inspected more thoroughly then ever, although I've yet to find an inspector who hasn't missed at least one compartment... Arrived at the gate with 10 minutes to spare, should have gotten food. Somehow got an exit row seat to top it off, nice.
Shit, San Francisco is a really dark city, isn't it. Known it for a while, but I never really realized it until last night. Not dark as in ominous, but just plain dark as in not well lit. The BART trains are dimmer then any public transit I can remember. And the SF street lights are sparse and perhaps less powerful then I'm used to. Guess its part of being closer to nature and better for the environment. No wonder everything closes by 10pm.
Funny growing up in NYC has left me both semi nocturnal and extremely into brightness. I like working late at night, but preferably its under floodlights. Must be a 21st century condition..
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