July 16, 2003
Bitpass microtest (Empire)
Been meaning to properly experiment with the BitPass micropayments system but haven't had the appropriate time. So instead all I have is my very first experiment with it. Wasn't meant for public consumption, but I'm putting it up anyway. Its a strange videoish flash piece that proves conclusively that Britney Spears, Michael Jackson and Pamela Anderson are one and the same person. It cost a whole damn quarter to view 100 times. Requires the Flash 5 plug-in. Won't work right unless you have a fast computer too. So without further ado (if it works):
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Posted by: Increase Penis Size on February 3, 2005 11:50 PMEnlarge Penis Size Increase Penis Size Naturally Erection Pill For Man Male Enhancement Review
Posted by: ˙ŝincrease penis size on February 6, 2005 04:34 AMPost a comment