May 01, 2003

A Piece of My 15 Minutes

who actually is a techno-nomad, living out of his laptop between New York and San Francisco.

The good Dr. Joshua Ellis' new column in the Las Vegas City Life is out now. It's all about the Marginwalker community started Ellis and Adam Greenfield of v-2. Low and behold my name shows up in it. Fame, Vegas, Lights and Action. Its all mine now ;)

Anyway Marginwalker, its a good place. You may have noticed its slip quietly into my sidebar recently. Check it out. Its invitation only, but if you are savvy enough I'm sure you can get an invite. They don't cost anything to print... Open source futurism, radical urbanism and way too many JG Ballard references, its a sharp look into the future. Enjoy.

Posted by William Blaze at May 1, 2003 06:15 PM | TrackBack

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blaze fist