April 11, 2003
That Strange Home of Mine
Chris Bishop - Fine Art has a bunch of photos from the last openning at my current (for a day more) home in San Francisco, the Culture Cache Gallery. Yep I get to wake up to all that art. Nope I don't curate the shows (this last one was guest curated by the excellent Jeff Soto). Be there 12-5 tomorrow, Saturday, if you want to check out the show. Packing off for NY right after that. Not sure if or when I'll be living in the gallery again, but its been and interesting experience.
And for those that don't know I'm in the midst of nomadic experiment. When I leave town my life fits in one carry-on bag. Expands to about one closet + one desk when I settle down for more then a week or so. Going on two years living this way. Is it normal? Not in this day and age, but you know what William Gibson said about the future being unevenly distributed...
[via the Reverse Cowgirl]
Posted by William Blaze at April 11, 2003 11:23 PM | TrackBack