March 08, 2004
Kawasaki Chernobyl

this women rides her kawasaki through Chernobyl, takes photos and writes about it in broken English. Yes the future indeed, unevenly distributed...
[via collision detection]
update: the link has been changed.
Posted by Abe at March 8, 2004 12:43 AM
William, please let me know if you ever come across a fresh link for this website. I blogged a post about this story a few days ago (that I found via Tom Watson MP) and would like to re-post it when a link becomes available. Thanks.
Your link here to collision detection was most helpful. I'd already published a post on the story but couldn't figure where the link had gone. Luckily, I often visit your blog, followed the link to collision detection and found reason for broken link in a comment from Chris, which enabled me to post an update in my blog. Thanks.
Posted by: Ingrid | March 9, 2004 11:08 AM
just looked at this womans website today found you while looking for a story about the helicopter pilots being brought to Seatle for burn treatment - I do recall reading something like that at the time - her site-
Posted by: norm albert | April 2, 2004 11:14 PM
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Posted by: breast pills | February 11, 2005 11:45 PM
DATE: 08/09/2005 09:28:05 PM
Posted by: Anonymous | August 9, 2005 09:28 PM