September 26, 2003

Welcome to the 3rd World

Every once in a while I'll find myself in a conversations with someone who is of the opinion that the Bushco Republicans are the "party for big business". Its usually meant as criticism, but ironically it doesn't really go the distance. Truth is the Bush Republicans are not for big business at all, have you seen the stock market over the past 3 years? Reality is they have no interest in promoting business, big or small and in fact they seem to have almost no knowledge of economics at all. What Bush and friends are out to do is turn America into a 3rd world country. One where ironically enough the government is a prime redistributor of wealth. From the hands of everyone into the hands of a select few.

Its got nothing to do with business at all really, except in that you need a front, preferably a corporation that could have existed in the 19th century (guns, construction, metals, railroads, more weapons, oil, etc). Once you have the front business, then you get to work, its all about who you know and who slips you the cash. Free Iraqi money is the way to go nowadays. The government borrows the cash in the name of the American people, then slips it to your firm for consulting on rebuilding the country we just tore apart. Nice work if you can get it. All you need to do is be part of the inner circle. Pay $2,000 at the door in the form of a fundraiser and see how far you can go...

Talking Points Memo's Josh Marshall shows a bit of how it works. Here's the kicker to an article showing the connection between a new "company" devoted to helping other companies find opportunities in Iraq and a big time republican lobbyist's office:

For one thing, the Vice President and Director of New Bridge is Ed Rogers --- the same Ed Rogers who is Barbour's partner in Barbour Griffith and Rogers.

Then there's the third partner, Lanny Griffith. He's Director at New Bridge and Chief Operating Officer at Barbour Griffith & Rogers.

Then there's former Ambassador Richard Burt. He's 'Director' at New Bridge and 'International Director' at Barbour Griffith & Rogers.

Needless to say, Allbaugh's wife Diane is 'of counsel' at Barbour Griffith & Rogers.

Isn't it weird how that happens when you apply for a second job and all the dudes from your first job work at the new place too? Anyway ...

Actually, you can see why it's so convenient to work at both of these two places since they both happen to be located on the 10th floor of 1275 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Shit, when you have a good hand, why not double down? Especially if the dealer happens to be a good friend...

Posted by Abe at September 26, 2003 10:56 PM


Conceptual Guerilla calls this "Cheap Labor" Conservatism.

You check it out here, It's a good read.

7 months now and still no infastructure in Iraq. This is a massive looting of America and for all our billions of dollars we should have at least a half rebuilt Iraq to show for it now. This is war profiteering in the worse way, and even if it works, it will only mean that they will do it to another country soon. This isn't anything like the Marshel Plan that rebuilt Japan and Germany. This is an insult to the Marshel Plan championed by good President Truman who won the trust of the American people by not allowing greedy corporations to squander our mission. Just the opposite is happening here thanks to these modern day not-sees, who's world domination pipedreams are blowing up in their faces.

7 months now and still no infastructure in Iraq. This is a massive looting of America and for all our billions of dollars we should have at least a half rebuilt Iraq to show for it now. This is war profiteering in the worse way, and even if it works, it will only mean that they will do it to another country soon. This isn't anything like the Marshel Plan that rebuilt Japan and Germany. This is an insult to the Marshel Plan championed by good President Truman who won the trust of the American people by not allowing greedy corporations to squander our mission. Just the opposite is happening here thanks to these modern day not-sees, who's world domination pipedreams are blowing up in their faces.

7 months now and still no infastructure in Iraq. This is a massive looting of America and for all our billions of dollars we should have at least a half rebuilt Iraq to show for it now. This is war profiteering in the worse way, and even if it works, it will only mean that they will do it to another country soon. This isn't anything like the Marshel Plan that rebuilt Japan and Germany. This is an insult to the Marshel Plan championed by good President Truman who won the trust of the American people by not allowing greedy corporations to squander our mission. Just the opposite is happening here thanks to these modern day not-sees, who's world domination pipedreams are blowing up in their faces.