June 03, 2003

Cedar Point Rocks

Driving back to Columbus right now. Cedar Point? Holy shit! I guess its the international roller coaster mecca, and the pilgrimage is well worth it. More when I recover. The new one (Dragway I think) is out of this world, pure amazement in 17 seconds. Posted by Abe at June 3, 2003 12:28 AM


Cedar Point is craaaaazy, I went there about 5 years ago and had the time of my life. It's just a shame that every amusement park I go to now doesn't even compare and I won't be taking the mecca anytime in the near future...

I'm soooooo jealous!! I love roller coasters!

Anne - I think Cedar Point is within striking distance of Ottawa, a weekend trip maybe. Its well worth it too. Top Thrill Dragster is the new one, 17 second ride with a 2 hour line. I was ready to jump right back on that line after those 17 seconds. Its completely unlike any other coaster I've been on. There is no slow climb. One second you are still, the next instant you are hurling forward faster then you've ever comprehended. Its pretty akin to going into warpspeed, hyperdrive or whatever. Absurd. Can't wait till every other park has one of these.

The other rides are pretty damn amazing too. Gemini might be the pinicle of wooden coasters, really smooth, and you race a second coaster for added fun. Its 25 years old.

Millenium Force is the previous big ride. Its a classic coaster with a HUGE climb, over 300 feet. It climbs a lot faster then usual, but not close the dragster speed. Really smooth too, would be the top coaster at almost any park. Lots of other classics too, Raptor, Mantis, and Magnum XL where all great. All told I think I road 10 coasters for 16 rides in about 9 hours. Whoa.

some video of the ride, for a second or two on the front to the coaster view it comes close to capturing the insanity of the ride. All the other shots make it seem way slower then it really is.


And yeah I should mention this coaster is the most absurdly phallic thing I've ever seen in my life.

OMG - I am SO in!!

Top Thrill Dragster rolls back a lot!

It rolls back, but it's completely safe.

cedar point ROX!!!My favorite ride is the millenium force-i havent ridden TTD yet but i want to!

I LOVE CEDAR POINT! It rocks I have been on ever single coaster!!!!!!!!!

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